Sunday, 14 January 2007


Is it true that we all have a dark side? Is the world changing or are the moralistic standards undergoing a drastic change or are they running parallel? Its always been there…Comparisons. You know each generation to the next and vice-versa. But what do we really know or care. Friendships in life, as I see it is like a mixed bags of nuts- while some valuable to us others not so!

To each his own, I say. That’s to be on the safer side as you don’t really know who stings you and when! Its people closest to you that matter or do they? Who is really close to you and for how long? Sometimes even the longest of friendships turn sour, friends who swear by you, who profess to understand you when all in all it’s just a Mutual admiration society each with their own plate of beer battered mushrooms…you taste it and you’ll know what I’m talking about!
As Martin Luther king Jr said,” We will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”

When I see my fathers generation, I see truer friendships, tolerance and understanding of viewpoints despite of course, heated Arguments but underneath it all Respect! You can see it in the eyes and feel it in the heart. Where has it all gone, I wonder? Nowadays, friendships are more like Whiffs of perfume” Pleasant while they last”. It might sound a little polemical but its definitely true.

So why is it that we, who have the best of everything, and striving for more cannot go back in time to really form bonds that last just this one lifetime. Why cant we just let go of the evil superego within us and truly look into and blend with our Conscience. Why don’t we make that little effort and get rid of the brown nose syndrome and treat everybody with some respect. Lets redefine and rekindle the meaning of friendship

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